Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 2 +3

So yesterday I was truly exhausted from the amount of walking and site seeing we did. We saw a bunch of things, to cut it short! I will post some pics from yesterday and tomorrow I'll post those of today. We began our day today at 1pm went to Versailles ...which was too much to detail, too much to see, too much to walk, and just too much! Particularly people. I can see why the French were angry about the chateaux being built...all that money..for what?! But I ended the day with the group dinner and boat ride down the river. I got to see the Eiffel tower shimmer and took lots of pretty pictures from the boat. I'll put those up tomorrow. One more full day tomorrow then back to Pau and back to the books. I love getting to see Paris but so glad I didn't study here. I think with all the english speakers it would be hard to really learn French. I also just don't like being in Paris too long with all the other tourists...too many people. I definitely feel my deflated personal bubble, drooping over my shoulders-defeated from the days eternal pokes, prods, and warm bodies.

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