Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bon fête des mères!

Also known as Mother's day; Today. I was invited to go with my host mother to visit her mother and then have lunch at her daughter's house. For some reason I didn't bring my camera but we had a tasty meal and a new wine bottle each course! I drank alot of wine but it was closely paired with food, so I definitely didn't get too drunk thankfully. I definitely decided that you have to be out right drunk to forget your French is bad. Being tipsy didn't make me talk any more than I would have completely sober. They claim you speak "better" (maybe more is the right word for it) if you drink because it relaxes some of the tension you have about conversing. I don't think I will go that route, even though Sylvie's daughter kept trying to give me more wine...after I explained I wasn't a big talker in general.
Anyhow it was fun, but the conversations were so fast I just let the buzz of the conversation zing around in my head. I figure even if I have no clue what is being said i could at least absorb something, right? Well, the night is here and I have class at 8am opposed to 9, so I will have to cut this short, and add  a picture from the apartment that I took tonight.

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