Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Free Macaroons!

Today was the first day of class and a very long day as well. Learning a new language is no walk in the park for sure. I'm definitely getting better at hearing words and understanding what others are saying (if I listen well) but I am still working on responding in the correct manner. (that will come with practice and more time) This entry will be mostly pictures and brief descriptions.
 Neat way to advertise a flower shop
 Another way to advertise. This store specialized in Macaroons and candies ( I will be stopping there before I leave France for sure!)
 The Macaroons actually taste very similar to the ones you can get at La Boite in Austin,Tx.
 Henry IV chateaux
 another girl in the program, she is studying in the US but is from Kenya
 pretty cloudy today so I did not see the snow capped mountains.

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